Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Learning activities For one year old baby

Sharing is caring..
So you have taken the plunge and decided to stay at home with your one year old child. Now, what?

  • Here are some activities you can do with your child that will facilitate learning as though they were in a preschool environment. At this stage in life, children are learning how to walk, and their vocabulary is increasing everyday . Developing hand-eye coordination is important at this point, so you will want to do things with them to help them strengthen skills in those areas.

  • Games to play at this stage of life include: Peek-a-Boo, Patty Cake, and "Where's the Baby?". Hide the baby under a blanket or cover them with a towel and ask where the baby is. Move the towel or blanket, say, "There s/he is!", and laughter will surely ensue.
  • Focus on speaking to the child as though they can understand you. Using baby talk will only hinder their vocabulary; (jangan cakap pelat dengan anak tau@ Cakap jer dengan bahasa yang biasa!!) the more you speak to them as though they understand adult words, the better they will speak to you in the end.

  • Turn every part of the day into learning. Say the names of body parts as you wash them during bath time. Soon the child will be able to point out parts of their body on their own. Some good toys to have at your disposal are blocks, shape sorters, and simple puzzles.

  • Count the blocks with the child as they play with them or when you put them away. Even though they will be a while before they can count with you, it will help them later. Tell the child the shapes as they put them in the sorter. Ask the child to point out each shape. Soon, they will not only be saying each shape, but will know which one is which and right where it goes into the box.

  • During meal times, tell the child what color the food is that they are eating. Point out colors of everything around them and soon enough they will be able to identify colors, and even tell you a favorite. Always talk to your child. You can never say too much, and anything is sufficient. The more they soak in the better. Reading to your child is still just as important as it has been up to this point, and you should continue to do so frequently. Take suggestions from your child as to what you should read, even if it is just a point or a giggle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why, Why, Why??? my babymoon =(

Pagi ahad yang lepas.. pagi yg memang cbuk. Saya cbuk dgn tugas yg paling setia..(x pasti redha atau tak hahaha)  mengemas.. dll.

Si ayah tido seperti mmg x da harapan akan bangun. Si anak tiba2 jadi morning person. Mood baby pun ok. Sbb baru bagi susu. Sebelum buat kerja yang lain pastikan tiada barang yg bole si anak masuk dlm mulut. Dia mcm biasa tetap tak duduk diam. Ah.. biarla dia di dpn. Saya biarkn dia dgn Tv chanel 618, baby tv. Fevret her tv. Ok done!

Saya terus menerus membuat kerja rumah dan saya rasa mmg keadaan agak tenang. Tiba2 saya rasa rumah saya senyap sunyi.. seperti tiada pergerakan langsung dlm umah (seperti x dak org ler huhu).. dgn perasaaan ingin tahu..dan syak wasangka yg tebal terus mnge"check dan saya ternampak seorang bayi menunjukan one development. yang mmg menguji mental saya.


Accepted. Tahniah zara.. finally, sayang (still call her sayang even i dok ratapi kehilangan liptic tuh huhu)berjaya dptkn lipstic kesayangan mommy. Mommy tahu dah beberapa kali sayang mommy cuba dptkan. mommy bole bayang betapa anak mommy seronok bermain2 dgn lipstic mommy.

Life so beautifulll (huh!) uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bila dah dapat kaki..

Salam isnin...

Tiba2 teringat ada blog hahaha.. ok2. Minggu ni stress skit.. cos ada beberapa perkara perlu saya setelkn. Harap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Amiiiiin.

Below.. sedikit perkembangan my little lady babyyy.. nak jugak letak baby.. cos she alwiz my baby huhu.. dulu selalu dgr org ckp.. "fara tunggu la anak hang bole jln.. jenuh kejaqq"

Now saya dah merasa haha amik .. dulu saya ada la perempuan yg sopan n pemalu haha ya ke.. di sebabkan anak yg semakin aktif.. abis semua org dgr sora menjerit melarang si anak.. n of cos aksi kejar mengejar saya dan anak. (harap makin kurus ler saya uwekk hehe) sama ada berada di tempat formal n tak formal.

Kejadian.. di sunway carnival mall
Motif nak mkn2 di fish manhattan.. (iye saya penggemar mr. manhattan)

 x peduli dah. kalo boleh satu supermarket dia nak ukur. run n run

Cubaan lari dr mummy nya

Nak bergambar pun susah.. too hard

Today.. my baby turns 1 years one months.. how time flies isnt? huhu it feel like just yesterday i gve birth to her..

i love u sayang...

ur the reason i became i momma

and i thank you for introducing me to all these wonderful experiences...

may ALLAH will always guide you and bless you


Ayah and mummy!



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